Babies need lots of skin-to-skin time with parents in the hospital and at home.
Skin-to-skin time:
Calms you and baby, and helps baby cry less Babies held skin-to-skin are 12x less likely to cry!
Releases hormones that relieve stress and stabilize baby's temperature, breathing, heart rate, & blood sugar. Releases a hormone that lowers parent's stress and promotes healing.
Helps your colostrum (the first milk that is full of nutrients that protect baby) to flow more easily.
Boosts baby's immune system and protects against illness and disease.
Builds a strong brain through the smells, textures, and sounds the baby experiences while on parent's chest.
Helps baby gain weight faster. Helps mom breastfeed longer by building her milk supply and making her bond with baby stronger.
Lowers mom's risk of postpartum mood disorder. Creates connections between that last a lifetime.
Gives mom a chance to rest or take a break. (Source)