The Joeyband™ Blog
Posts tagged "fourth trimester"

4 Things to Know About Your Fourth Trimester Most people are familiar with trimesters one, two and three. However, there’s also a fourth trimester of pregnancy— - one that no one talks about— - and it’s just as significant to...

Breast-feeding Tips: What New Parents Need to Know
Breast-feeding is something many new parents will receive advice and opinions on. While meant in good faith, new parenthood is a constant learning curve, and new parents can feel stressed out if their breastfeeding journey doesn’t meet expectations - whether...

If Only Everyone Had a Postpartum Doula
During the latter stages of pregnancy, parents-to-be begin to turn their attention towards the Big Event: the birth itself and your new baby’s much anticipated arrival! It’s all about hospital bag essentials, breathing exercises and making sure you have all...

Prematurity Awareness: A Q&A with Joeyband™ Preemie Mom, Ashleigh
To honour World Prematurity Day, we chatted with Ashleigh, a Joeyband™ user, about her experience as a preemie mom, how it’s shaped her journey through motherhood, and advice she would offer to other parents of premature babies.