The Joeyband™ Blog
Posts tagged "babies"

Hospital Bag Checklist for Dad Hey Dad, Here’s What You Should Pack for the Hospital for You, Baby and MomHospital bag checklists are essential for Mom and baby, but Dads or partners need hospital bags too! Labor can last anywhere...

4 Things to Know About Your Fourth Trimester
4 Things to Know About Your Fourth Trimester Most people are familiar with trimesters one, two and three. However, there’s also a fourth trimester of pregnancy— - one that no one talks about— - and it’s just as significant to...

Debunking the 3 Biggest Skin-to-Skin Myths
The internet has given us a world of information at our fingertips. But while we have access to a wealth of articles, research papers, news stories and publications, we’re also subject to mixed information, speculation and inaccurate reporting. All of...

The Joeyband™ Brand Update: A Letter from the Team
Over the last several years, what had initially started out as a patented invention to focus on preventing infant falls, has shifted into a company-wide vision to help change the world. Not only is the Joeyband™ supporting clinicians in saving...