The Joeyband™ Blog
Posts tagged "new mom"

4 Things to Know About Your Fourth Trimester Most people are familiar with trimesters one, two and three. However, there’s also a fourth trimester of pregnancy— - one that no one talks about— - and it’s just as significant to...

The 2021 Hospital Bag Checklist by Joeyband™
The 2021 Hospital Bag Checklist by Joeyband™ Congratulations! You’re into the final few weeks of pregnancy, and anticipation levels are growing ahead of your little one’s arrival. To avoid any last minute stress, it’s a good idea to start working...

Debunking the 3 Biggest Skin-to-Skin Myths
The internet has given us a world of information at our fingertips. But while we have access to a wealth of articles, research papers, news stories and publications, we’re also subject to mixed information, speculation and inaccurate reporting. All of...

The Joeyband™ Brand Update: A Letter from the Team
Over the last several years, what had initially started out as a patented invention to focus on preventing infant falls, has shifted into a company-wide vision to help change the world. Not only is the Joeyband™ supporting clinicians in saving...