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Joeyband™’s Top 6 Baby Essentials for New Parents

new parents gifts and checklist

For such small humans, babies can be very high maintenance! From breast pumps to baby carriers, the list of ‘must-haves’ can seem endless for first time parents. 

When you’re already sleep (and shower) deprived, it doesn’t take much to overwhelm you - trust us, we’re parents, too. So, while there are lots of items that would be nice to have as a new parent, we’ve rounded up the ones we couldn’t have lived without during those first few weeks of parenthood. 

This isn’t a paid advertisement or affiliation post, simply a list of brands that we’ve used and loved over the years (including our own, Joeyband!)

Baby car seats 

For parents who have hospital births, car seats are a pretty fundamental part of getting your baby home safely! It’s a good idea to pick a car seat up in time for baby’s delivery, so you’re all set when it’s time to take your new bundle home. 

Canadian company Clek has a great line of child seats which are compatible with popular stroller brands. They also have a host of innovative features, including a peekaboo window and an SPF 100+ adjustable canopy, so you can travel in confidence with the knowledge that your baby is safe, secure and protected. 

Breast pump 

Breast pumps are definitely one of those products that can be difficult to even picture before you’re a parent! But for new parents, they can be extremely handy. 

Breastfeeding exclusively is great, but we all know it keeps mom permanently at the mercy of baby’s milk demands! Pumping milk means other caregivers can bottle-feed the baby, which saves one parent from doing every middle-of-the-night feed. It also gives those who are supplying the milk the freedom to spend an afternoon or evening out with friends, or return to work knowing there's a milk supply for babe at home.  

Spectra pumps are super quiet to use and offer customizable pumps to suit all milk suppliers, including different suction levels for a more natural milk flow. 


Swaddling baby blankets

If there's one consistent thing expecting parents hear, it's to wave goodbye to sleeping through the night once the baby arrives! While it's reasonable to expect many nights of broken sleep, there are some things parents can do to boost the chances of sleeping for both themselves and their newborn baby! One of these is swaddling. 

Swaddled babies are known to sleep better for longer, compared to un-swaddled babies. Not only is this good news for new guardians, it's good for the newborn, too. Sleep is an important ingredient in the growth of babies, so increasing the number of uninterrupted sleep sessions that a baby gets encourages optimum growth.

Check out Canadian brand Louloulollipop for blankets with fun patterns and high quality materials! 


Baby carrier

Welcoming a new baby into the world is one of the most exciting things to happen in life. However, it's no secret that for new parents, the sudden lack of independence can be a bit of a culture shock! Baby carriers can be a good way to maintain some level of independence while caring for your baby.

Baby carriers give you the luxury of having your hands free - plus, most babies like being able to see the world from up high. When used correctly, they’re also safe and practical ways to get around with your baby. 

We love Ergo Baby for their comfortable design and ergonomics, and the different variations which allow parents to carry the baby from those early days through to toddlerhood.


Multi-function stroller

OK, so while a multi-function stroller probably falls under a 'nice to have', a stroller is definitely a baby essential. So, we figured you may as well get one that allows for maximum flexibility!

We love Joovy as they build products that are designed to grow with families. This is why the company specializes in customizable, multi-function strollers that can be used year after year. We love the 'Qool Premium Customizable Single Double Triple Stroller', which can be customized over 50 ways to meet your various preferences and baby's!



Now, we might be biased a tad biased here, but we couldn't leave out our favourite product of all! 

Joeyband™ is the only skin-to-skin product that can be used in all hospital care settings and at home. Made from Nylon Spandex (imagine your favourite yoga pants), the Joeyband™ wraps around your torso and is designed to ease the transition from womb to world. 

Aiming to remove some of the anxiety that affects both parent and baby as you get used to your new reality, the Joeyband™ helps parents practice skin-to-skin contact, improves breastfeeding success, enhances bonding and lowers stress levels for both baby and parent.


Are you expecting a baby, or maybe you have a newborn? Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, or subscribe to our newsletter for our latest news and updates, or for more useful, baby-handling knowledge from our experienced Joeyband™ team.