The Joeyband™ Blog
Posts tagged "babyessentials"

The 2021 Hospital Bag Checklist by Joeyband™ Congratulations! You’re into the final few weeks of pregnancy, and anticipation levels are growing ahead of your little one’s arrival. To avoid any last minute stress, it’s a good idea to start working...

The Joeyband™ Brand Update: A Letter from the Team
Over the last several years, what had initially started out as a patented invention to focus on preventing infant falls, has shifted into a company-wide vision to help change the world. Not only is the Joeyband™ supporting clinicians in saving...

Writing a Birth Plan: Your Expectations and Preferences
While we can’t expect to control every aspect of our baby’s delivery, birth plans are a good way to clarify your wishes, or communicate your ‘best case scenario’. This means medical professionals can better understand how you’d like your...

The Ultimate Pregnancy To-Do List for your Third Trimester
You’re two thirds of the way through and your due date is now in sight! In between pregnancy check-ups and going through the nesting process, it’s a good idea to use these final weeks to do some research. This can...